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Top 6 Mistakes to avoid on your ecommerce site: Espisode 2 from SynthJet: 



Video Transcript:

See Jane. See Jane. See Jane jump. See Jane jump to buy my stuff. What do you guys think? Is that good enough copy? That's our next subject today. Copy, it is one of the most painful things for me to do is write copy on my eCommerce sites and it really doesn't have to be that hard you guys. So I'll tell you what, I write all my copy for all my sites and they do really well now. But when I first started out, it was quite the struggle. I'll tel you a story. Even when I was in second grade, my teacher called my parents in on a parent teacher conference and literally said, "This kid is stupid and he will never be able to read and write." Well, so we know that not to be true obviously I'm writing good enough copy for my eCommerce sites to be successful.

So what are some tips that can help you? Maybe English is your second language, or maybe you just hate writing or you can write technically but you can't write in a way that's makes people wanna be interested in your product, or you feel like your brand doesn't have a voice. I'm gonna give you guys some tips right now on number two of the top mistakes to avoid on your eCommerce site. So the first tip is going to be to have a customer persona. You want to have a person that you can talk to, whom you think represents your brand. So you need to thinking in your head, who is the person who's coming to my store and buying my products. Or at least, who do I think that person is? And if you can get a specific picture of that person in your head, and then when you write your copy, try and write to that individual in just very like basic language, then chances are that's gonna be the best place to start.

And the real trick to it is, is just write more and more copy. And as you write more and more to that customer, to that person, just like a relationship with a friend, you become more and more comfortable talking to that person. The writing shouldn't be that complicated and it really only needs to be technical if you have some sort of niche where you have to include some details. But even then, you're probably writing to a person who's gonna want something that's easy to read and to use. So we don't want things like large clusters of text together. We actually want to break the text up when we're communicating with someone using lots of spacing in between. Maybe even sliding in some images that help people understand maybe the benefits of the product.

If it's moisture wicking then some sort of infographic and then writing around it. You're only writing a sentence or two above or below it. A lot of people get stuck on trying to get a product listed into their store because they're spending all this time on this lengthy product description when the chances are the customer's gonna scroll through every line or two and they're really looking for images or something straightforward and compelling to convince them to buy.

So what are some good language tips? What words should we be using if we're not using really complicated words, but we're using simple words. So when you write, we wanna write about the eight grade level, that's what the research says. Most people are looking, even if they are highly educated, they're looking for something to read that's easy to read. So we're gonna pick one or two liners. Things that are like best product for this particular use. Or the product that you need on your next X, Y or Z. Whether that be like camping trip or for your next workout. Things that are very direct, very actionable. We want action words. You don't want these lengthy descriptions of the product like, this product is great. It has round edges so you won't catch yourself. But if you drop things you shouldn't buy this product. Like stuff like that, that just goes on and on and on.

You wanna be very clear, you want to tell your selling point. This product is the lightest. This product is the softest. This product will give you the fastest results. This type of language helps people really tie into why they would want the product right away and you're not gonna catch their eyes if you're waiting for your selling point three, four sentences in to a paragraph. You want that front and center.

Another thing you can do with your copy when you're labeling products is pair niches or make your niche a little more specific. So let's use the example of like a yoga mat. So a yoga mat, if you just list it as premium yoga mat, then that's good, it's okay. But it may be a bit general because you want something that talks to, remember your customer persona. So you might have better results ... Half the times we see this in marketing, when we pair it down with another niche. So maybe it's a yoga mat for say aerial yoga. Have you guys ever heard of aerial yoga? My wife loves to do aerial yoga, and essentially what you're doing is just yoga but you're in a sash that hangs from the ceiling. But they still use yoga mats underneath the sashes and sometimes people come out of them and they're just doing very basic yoga.

But a person whom does aerial yoga specifically might say "Oh that's an aerial yoga mat. That's the mat that speaks to me and how I do yoga, maybe there's something special about it that's for aerial yoga or other people who do aerial yoga but this mat and that's why I should buy it."

So try doing some of that niche pairing in order to have better product titles and a language that's clear. Often times we're cleaning up some of these product titles. If you're drop shipping, then you're probably importing products from the supplier and the supplier has just put key words in the title of the product and that's why you'll like 13 words that describe the yoga mat, right. It's like yoga mat, yoga pad, yoga blanket, yoga whatever and you don't know which one to pick. And that's why it's good to go back to who your customer persona is and try to filter the best of those out. We want those product titles to be pretty short too. So short, niche stacked, in our description of the product we're using action words, we're trying to get the person excited about the product by calling out their potential niche and make it sound like this product is special.

Even sometimes if people are researching a product, they're gonna look at the product and they're gonna say well it looks like the same product images. I think it's the same one, but this one says that this one was for my particular niche so I'm gonna make the decision to buy that individual product. Again if you don't wanna write the copy yourself, probably the next best place to look for the copy is gonna be from an influencer. Someone whom is involved in the niche of the products that you're trying to sell and that they're going to use the same language that people who are familiar with whatever that interest is, that the language they're going to use. So the common language helps so much. So often times if you get an influencer to take a picture with your product, you can also ask them for a short testimonial describing the product and then use some of that language, it's some of the best ways to pick up copy without having to write it for yourself.

Testimonials, testimonials, testimonials. When you're putting out a copy about your product, if you can you want to use as much of the peer reviews as possible. You wanna highlight authentic looking photography and couple that with a message that sounds like it comes form that person, and whomever the influencer is. It's a great way to use your copy. And you can use it in multiple places to. You don't just have to keep the copy in one section. Feel free to use it with a collection or some of the material that you're using in advertising, it's okay to include some testimonials in there to.

So we covered a couple of ways to help you with copy. Write very simple, direct, colloquial language when you're communicating with your customers. Talk to a customer as if the customer is a person. So have a customer persona to talk to. Leverage copy that comes from testimonials. Find an influencer to get some copy from and present that. Don't keep the long and technical descriptions that often times come in with products when we're drop shipping when we import them. Make sure to take all that junk out and keep it simple and nice spacing in the product description so that it's easy on the eyes for to customer to read when they come to your site.

Great, so you guys can take advantage of that copy advice right away!




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